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  • 전공분야 : 의생명,건강과학
  • 이메일 : dbsehrns@naver.com
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소속 및 경력

2016.03. ~ 2020.10. : 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 연구교수
2020.11. ~ 현재 : ㈜ 카비랙 전략이사


2006.03. ~ 2011.02. : 연세대학교 방사선학사
2011.03. ~ 2013.02. : 고려대학교 방사선과학석사
2013.03. ~ 2016.02. : 의물리공학 이학박사

교육 및 연구경력

2021년 2학기 : 융합의학과 3D프린팅 개론 및 응용 강의

기타 학술 경력

Performing angiographic intervention with a femoral entry shield: Element analysis microscopy and hand dose reduction for interventional radiologist,2020
Sensing changes in tumor during boron neutron capture therapy using PET with a collimator: Simulation study,2020
Synergy effect of alpha particles by using natural boron in proton therapy: Computational verification, 2020
Mechanical performance of a commercial knowledge-based VMAT planning for prostate cancer,2018
Quantitative analysis of prompt gamma ray imaging during proton boron fusion therapy according to boron concentration,2017
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) information conversion procedure for SUV calculation of PET scanners with different DICOM header information,2017
Comparison between proton boron fusion therapy (PBFT) and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT): a Monte Carlo study,2017